Heart Radio: Sophrology to Combat Stress, Anxiety and Sleep Problems: a self-help guide

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“Unfortunately, with anxiety, you are either pre-empting events in your future, or you’re worried about your past experiences,” Dominique says. “This prevents you from living in the present moment, finding all the inner resources that you need, and experiencing the moment as it is.”

Exclusively available on the Heart Radio Lifestyle Blog, Dominique introduces Sophrology with a series of video guided exercises to introduce you to the benefits of the practice. Head over to the Heart Blog and try out the exercises for yourself!

To read and watch more, please click here.

Our Sleep Like a Pro 5-day online series is just £12 and you will discover simple techniques to learn how to let go of any stress and tension that will help you sleep quickly and soundly through the night. Sophrology can be introduced to your bedtime routine with just 10-minute practices per day to prepare you for deep sleep and support your overall health. 

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