Sleep Deeply With Sophrology

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17 minute daily practices
Suitable for all levels [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column_inner][/et_pb_row_inner][et_pb_row_inner _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » custom_margin= »-21px||||false|false » custom_css_main_element= »display: flex;||gap: 40px; » global_colors_info= »{} » custom_css_main_element_last_edited= »off|desktop » custom_css_main_element_phone= »display: block; » custom_css_main_element_tablet= »display: flex; »][et_pb_column_inner saved_specialty_column_type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » custom_css_main_element= »display: flex;||gap: 40px; » global_colors_info= »{} » custom_css_main_element_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_css_main_element_tablet= »display: flex;||gap: 20px;||flex-direction: column; » custom_css_main_element_phone= »display: flex;||gap: 20px;||flex-direction: column; »][et_pb_button button_url= » » button_text= »Register your interest  » button_alignment= »left » button_alignment_tablet= »center » button_alignment_phone= »center » 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If you’ve tried countless tips to help you sleep better and still struggle to get a good night’s sleep, or if you often wake up feeling dazed and tired then this Sophrology sleep therapy course may be your answer.

This course is an opportunity to aid restful sleep and completely transform your general well-being.

85% of past participants report that this sleep management course showed them how to get a better night’s sleep and reported a positive change in their sleep patterns.

100% of participants felt a difference in their overall wellbeing since they started practising Sophrology.

This can be YOU.

This course is based on stress & sleep specialist Dominique Antiglio’s 20 years of experience helping her clients tackle the root cause of stress and helping show them how to improve sleep quality.

This course supports your mind and body to completely reset to a relaxed and balanced state, taking you on a progressive journey that addresses each aspect of your sleep and life.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built= »1″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_row column_structure= »1_4,1_4,1_4,1_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »1_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_blurb title= »BODY » image= » » image_icon_width_tablet= » » image_icon_width_phone= »56% » image_icon_width_last_edited= »on|phone » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_text_color= »#474b4d » body_text_color= »#474b4d » text_orientation= »center » header_font_size_tablet= » » header_font_size_phone= »16px » header_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » body_font_size_tablet= » » body_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » body_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]

Use the body as an anchor in your transformation.

Let go of stress and help the body restore by switching on the parasympathetic nervous system.

[/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_blurb title= »MIND » image= » » image_icon_width_tablet= » » image_icon_width_phone= »63% » image_icon_width_last_edited= »on|phone » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_text_color= »#474b4d » body_text_color= »#474b4d » text_orientation= »center » body_font_size_tablet= » » body_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » body_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]Learn simple ways to program positively for good sleep.

Re-wire the brain and free your mind of repetitive and anxious thoughts[/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_blurb title= »LIFESTYLE » image= » » image_icon_width_tablet= » » image_icon_width_phone= »63% » image_icon_width_last_edited= »on|phone » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_text_color= »#474b4d » body_text_color= »#474b4d » text_orientation= »center » body_font_size_tablet= » » body_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » body_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]Stay attuned to your circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycles.

Integrate behaviours that minimise the impact of stress and promote deep sleep into your daily routine.[/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_blurb title= »CONSCIOUSNESS » image= » » image_icon_width_tablet= » » image_icon_width_phone= »63% » image_icon_width_last_edited= »on|phone » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_text_color= »#474b4d » body_text_color= »#474b4d » text_orientation= »center » body_font_size_tablet= » » body_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » body_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]

Awareness of your unique needs.

Discover all resources are already within you and how to connect to them.

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Join our next Sleep Course starting March 23rd – Join us today



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What happens during the 7 weeks?

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Session 2: How to Achieve Instant Calm Before Bed
Session 3: Balance your Mind and Emotions
Session 4: Your Sleep is Sacred
Session 5: Learn the Supertools to Help You Sleep Night After Night
Session 6: Unlock the Power of True Circadian Health
Session 7: Be Your Own Sleep Expert[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_3_font_size= »1.5rem » module_alignment= »left » custom_margin= »|||1rem|false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »|||0rem|false|false » custom_margin_phone= »|||0rem|false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_padding= »10px||0px||false|false » global_colors_info= »{} »]The full course includes:[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src= »// » alt= »video icon » title_text= »video icon » show_bottom_space= »off » disabled_on= »on|off|off » _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » width= »23% » width_tablet= »22% » width_phone= »22% » width_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_margin= »-22px||||false|false » custom_padding= »0px||||false|false » filter_brightness= »9% » global_colors_info= »{} »][/et_pb_image][et_pb_image src= »// » 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_builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » text_font_size= »1vw » header_3_font_size= »1.5rem » module_alignment= »left » custom_margin= »|||-14rem|false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »|||-11rem|false|false » custom_margin_phone= »|||-11rem|false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_padding= »0px||||false|false » custom_padding_tablet= »8px||||false|false » custom_padding_phone= »8px||||false|false » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|tablet » text_font_size_tablet= »1.05rem » text_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » text_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » global_colors_info= »{} »]7 audio recordings[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text disabled_on= »on|off|off » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » text_font_size= »1vw » header_3_font_size= »1.5rem » module_alignment= »left » custom_margin= »|||-14rem|false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »|||-11rem|false|false » custom_margin_phone= »|||-11rem|false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_padding= »0px||||false|false » custom_padding_tablet= »8px||||false|false » custom_padding_phone= »8px||||false|false » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|tablet » text_font_size_tablet= »1.05rem » text_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » text_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » global_colors_info= »{} »]Access to online course community[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » disabled_on= »off|on|on » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » custom_padding_tablet= » » custom_padding_phone= »0px||||false|false » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » text_font_size= »1.1vw » text_line_height= »2.3em » text_font_size_tablet= » » text_font_size_phone= »0.8rem » text_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]Session 1: Set Yourself Up for Success
Session 2: How to Achieve Instant Calm Before Bed
Session 3: Balance your Mind and Emotions
Session 4: Your Sleep is Sacred
Session 5: Learn the Supertools to Help You Sleep Night After Night
Session 6: Unlock the Power of True Circadian Health
Session 7: Be Your Own Sleep Expert[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »]The full course includes:[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure= »1_2,1_2″ use_custom_gutter= »on » gutter_width= »1″ make_equal= »on » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » disabled_on= »off|on|on » admin_label= »mobile version » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » width= »75% » width_tablet= »75% » width_phone= »80% » width_last_edited= »on|phone » max_width= »100% » module_alignment= »center » custom_padding= »5px||13px||| » custom_padding_tablet= »5px||13px||| » custom_padding_phone= »||19px|16px|false|false » custom_css_main_element= »display: flex; » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_image src= »// » alt= »video icon » title_text= »video icon » show_bottom_space= »off » disabled_on= »off|off|off » _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » width= »30% » width_tablet= »29% » width_phone= »35% » width_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_margin= »-5px||-12px||false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »-5px||-12px||false|false » custom_margin_phone= »-5px||-67px||false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|phone » custom_padding= »3px||||false|false » filter_contrast= »0% » global_colors_info= »{} »][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » custom_padding= »|44px||0px|false|false » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_3_text_align= »right » header_3_font_size= »1.5rem » module_alignment= »left » custom_margin= »|||-8rem|false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »|||-9rem|false|false » custom_margin_phone= »||||false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_padding= »9px|27px|||false|false » custom_padding_tablet= »9px|27px|||false|false » custom_padding_phone= »9px|0px|||false|false » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » text_font_size_tablet= » » text_font_size_phone= »0.8rem » text_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » header_3_text_align_tablet= »right » header_3_text_align_phone= »right » header_3_text_align_last_edited= »on|phone » header_3_font_size_tablet= »1.3rem » header_3_font_size_phone= »0.8rem » header_3_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » global_colors_info= »{} »]

13 guided Sophrology sessions

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure= »1_2,1_2″ use_custom_gutter= »on » gutter_width= »1″ make_equal= »on » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » disabled_on= »off|on|on » admin_label= »mobile version » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » width= »75% » width_tablet= »75% » width_phone= »80% » width_last_edited= »on|phone » max_width= »100% » module_alignment= »center » custom_padding= »5px||13px||| » custom_padding_tablet= »5px||13px||| » custom_padding_phone= »||19px|16px|false|false » custom_css_main_element= »display: flex; » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_image src= »// » alt= »video icon » title_text= »video icon » show_bottom_space= »off » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » width= »30% » width_tablet= »29% » width_phone= »35% » width_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_margin= »-5px||-12px||false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »-5px||-12px||false|false » custom_margin_phone= »-5px||-67px||false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|phone » custom_padding= »3px||||false|false » filter_contrast= »0% » global_colors_info= »{} »][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » custom_padding= »|44px||0px|false|false » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_3_text_align= »right » header_3_font_size= »1.5rem » module_alignment= »left » custom_margin= »|||-8rem|false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »|||-9rem|false|false » custom_margin_phone= »|||-9rem|false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_padding= »9px|27px|||false|false » custom_padding_tablet= »9px|27px|||false|false » custom_padding_phone= »9px|10px||0px|false|false » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » header_3_text_align_tablet= »right » header_3_text_align_phone= »right » header_3_text_align_last_edited= »on|phone » header_3_font_size_tablet= »1.3rem » header_3_font_size_phone= »0.8rem » header_3_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » global_colors_info= »{} »]

8 hours of expert knowledge

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7 audio recordings

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure= »1_2,1_2″ use_custom_gutter= »on » gutter_width= »1″ make_equal= »on » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » disabled_on= »off|on|on » admin_label= »mobile version » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » width= »75% » width_tablet= »75% » width_phone= »80% » width_last_edited= »on|phone » max_width= »100% » module_alignment= »center » custom_padding= »5px||13px||| » custom_padding_tablet= »5px||13px||| » custom_padding_phone= »||19px|16px|false|false » custom_css_main_element= »display: flex; » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » custom_padding= »||||false|false » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_image src= »// » alt= »video icon » title_text= »Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 6.02.11 PM » show_bottom_space= »off » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » width= »30% » width_tablet= »29% » width_phone= »35% » width_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_margin= »-5px||-12px||false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »-5px||-12px||false|false » custom_margin_phone= »-5px||-67px|-6px|false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|phone » custom_padding= »3px||||false|false » custom_padding_tablet= »3px||||false|false » custom_padding_phone= »||||false|false » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » filter_contrast= »0% » global_colors_info= »{} »][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type= »1_2″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » custom_padding= »|44px||0px|false|false » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_3_text_align= »right » header_3_font_size= »1.5rem » transform_scale_tablet= » » transform_scale_phone= » » transform_scale_last_edited= »on|phone » transform_translate_tablet= » » transform_translate_phone= »32px|0px » transform_translate_last_edited= »on|phone » transform_rotate_tablet= » » transform_rotate_phone= » » transform_rotate_last_edited= »on|phone » transform_skew_tablet= » » transform_skew_phone= » » transform_skew_last_edited= »on|phone » transform_origin_tablet= » » transform_origin_phone= » » transform_origin_last_edited= »on|phone » transform_styles_last_edited= »on|phone » module_alignment= »left » custom_margin= »|||-8rem|false|false » custom_margin_tablet= »|||-9rem|false|false » custom_margin_phone= »||||false|false » custom_margin_last_edited= »on|tablet » custom_padding= »9px|27px|||false|false » custom_padding_tablet= »9px|27px|||false|false » custom_padding_phone= »9px|0px|||false|false » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » header_3_font_size_tablet= »1.3rem » header_3_font_size_phone= »0.8rem » header_3_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » transform_styles_tablet= » » transform_styles_phone= » » global_colors_info= »{} »]

Access to online course community

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text admin_label= »Text » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ link_text_color= »#ec8779″ header_font= »Sanchez|||||||| » header_2_font= »Sanchez||on|||on||| » header_2_text_color= »#000000″ header_2_font_size= »1.05rem » header_2_letter_spacing= »2px » background_size= »initial » background_position= »top_left » background_repeat= »repeat » text_orientation= »center » text_font_size_tablet= »1.05rem » text_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » text_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » text_orientation_tablet= »center » text_orientation_phone= »left » text_orientation_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]The course was developed specifically so that each week’s session prepares you for the next one, ensuring long-lasting and sustainable results. Every Tuesday, a session is released in video format on the BeSophro course platform and is available for 7 days, until it is replaced by the next week’s content to ensure continued progress for the whole group. Every Thursday, bonus practice content is released, either via video or on 3 weeks of the course, a live practice session with Dominique. You will also have access to weekly guided audio practices, which you can keep forever.

Join our next sleep course starting March 23rd 2022 to May 5th 2022. To see the full programme dates and times click here.


[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url= » » button_text= »Register your Interest » button_alignment= »center » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » custom_button= »on » button_text_size= »13px » button_text_color= »#FFFFFF » button_bg_color= »#ec8779″ button_border_color= »#ec8779″ button_border_radius= »66px » button_font= »Gotham|||on||||| » button_use_icon= »off » custom_margin= »||||false|false » custom_padding= »8px|10px|20px|10px|false|true » custom_css_main_element= »background-color: #d9716b;|| font-family: Gotham SSm A,Gotham SSm B;|| font-size: 11px;|| font-weight: 300;|| margin-bottom: 1rem;|| max-height: 40px;|| min-width: 150px;|| padding: 5px 35px;|| -webkit-transition: all .25s ease-in;|| -o-transition: all .25s ease-in;|| transition: all .25s ease-in; » global_colors_info= »{} »][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built= »1″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » background_color= »#f9f8f5″ global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_2_text_color= »#ec8779″ header_2_font_size= »2.3rem » global_colors_info= »{} »]

Why Sophrology Works for Sleep?

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » text_font_size_tablet= »1.05rem » text_font_size_phone= »1.05rem » text_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » global_colors_info= »{} »]Sophrology’s combination of breathingrelaxationmovement and visualisation is why it works so well for improving sleep.

  • These elements help bring balance to the nervous system when it’s agitated, supporting us to switch on the parasympathetic nervous system, helping us feel calm, recuperate, and settle into quality sleep.
  • Slow, deep breathing results in melatonin production, an essential sleep-inducing hormone that calms the nervous system and promotes relaxation.
  • Visualisation combined with relaxation promotes positive conditioning as sleep improves, reducing negative stress triggers and anxieties towards sleep.
  • Mindful movement helps focus our thoughts throughout the day, helping the mind settle into a state of calm before bed.

This course should be taken as part of a holistic lifestyle of well-being and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built= »1″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » width_tablet= » » width_phone= »100% » width_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » header_2_font_size= »2.5vw » header_2_line_height= »1.4em » text_orientation= »center » custom_padding_tablet= » » custom_padding_phone= »|25px||25px|false|true » custom_padding_last_edited= »on|phone » header_font_size_tablet= »2rem » header_font_size_phone= »2rem » header_font_size_last_edited= »on|tablet » header_2_font_size_tablet= »2rem » header_2_font_size_phone= »6.1vw » header_2_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]

Are you ready to

New dates to be announced[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url= » » button_text= »Register Interest » button_alignment= »center » _builder_version= »4.17.4″ _module_preset= »default » custom_button= »on » button_text_size= »13px » button_text_color= »#FFFFFF » button_bg_color= »#ec8779″ button_border_color= »#ec8779″ button_border_radius= »66px » button_font= »Gotham|||on||||| » button_use_icon= »off » custom_margin= »|0px||0px|false|false » custom_padding= »8px|10px|20px|10px|false|true » custom_css_main_element= »background-color: #d9716b;|| font-family: Gotham SSm A,Gotham SSm B;|| font-size: 11px;|| font-weight: 300;|| margin-bottom: 1rem;|| max-height: 40px;|| min-width: 150px;|| padding: 5px 35px;|| -webkit-transition: all .25s ease-in;|| -o-transition: all .25s ease-in;|| transition: all .25s ease-in; » global_colors_info= »{} »][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built= »1″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » background_color= »#f9f8f5″ global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} »][et_pb_text _builder_version= »4.17.3″ _module_preset= »default » header_2_font_size= »2.5rem » header_2_line_height= »1.4em » header_3_font_size= »1.9vw » text_orientation= »center » header_2_font_size_tablet= »2.5rem » header_2_font_size_phone= »1.9rem » header_2_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » header_3_font_size_tablet= »2.8vw » header_3_font_size_phone= »4vw » header_3_font_size_last_edited= »on|phone » global_colors_info= »{} »]

For peace of mind, we also include our

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  • You struggle to fall asleep and switch off at night because your mind is racing.
  • You wake up through the night and can’t go back to sleep.
  • Your lack of sleep leaves you grumpy, anxious or unable to control your emotions or your body is tense and tired and your mind feels unfocused and stressed.
  • You are a Sophrologist looking to deepen your practice and knowledge or are interested in practising Sophrology techniques based on the Sophrology method from the source (Caycedian approach).
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »When is this course happening? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]
  • This 7 – week online course starts on March 23rd 2022. For full programme, dates and times click here
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What are the dates and times of course? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Over 7 weeks, from March 23rd 2022, you will be receiving weekly knowledge and practice video sessions. The practices will be supplemented with 3 live practice sessions with Dominique so she can better guide you through this journey.

You will be receiving weekly access to a total of 2 video recordings of the Tuesday and 1 audio practice.

The Knowledge Sessions will be released every Tuesday and are compulsory for progression. There will be one bonus Guest Expert Session which you will be able to access through this course platform as well.

Further information on dates, times and sessions to be announced soon.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »How long will I have access to the course for? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]On each Tuesday, a video recording of the Knowledge & Practice Session will be released on the course platform. They will be available on the platform for 7 days until they are replaced by the succeeding week’s content.

Each Thursday, you will receive a Bonus Practice Session. These sessions will be a mix of video recordings released weekly and live sessions with Dominique Antiglio via zoom. The video recording of the live Bonus Practice sessions will be uploaded to your courses platform after the live session has ended. These sessions are designed to help you stay committed to the practice and will be available for 5 days until they are replaced by the succeeding week’s content.


The weekly audio practice is a 15-20 minute audio recording which you can use to practise on your own every day. You will be able to download it from the courses platform, and it is yours to keep forever so you can use it for your own practice even after the course has ended.

The pace and course is structured in this way so that we keep a rhythm and to motivate participants to practice that week before the next part of the method is released. This is our way to make sure everyone is going through the process within the timing that allows the best chance for transformation of sleep as otherwise, it will be difficult to see changes taking place.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »How much time is needed to complete the course? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]The total course duration is 12 hours structured over 7 weeks, however these are a mixture of compulsory and bonus sessions.


The total number of hours necessary to complete to ensure progression is 15.5 hours over 7 weeks (approx 2.25 hours a week). This is compiled of the weekly hour Knowledge and Practice Sessions and 17 minute independent practice using the audio recording 5-7 times a week.


Over the 7 weeks there are 4 hours of bonus material this includes 3 Bonus Live Practice sessions with Dominique, and 1 Bonus Wellness Expert session.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »How does this course differ from CBT for insomnia? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]CBT is an analytical form of therapy that explores your thought patterns to help you process and think differently.

BeSophro believes that in order to truly overcome sleep problems, you have to tap into your mind in conjunction with your body. We not only use the mind-body connection to reset your beliefs and resistances but we also use it to directly influence your biology through breathing, relaxation, visualisation and movement.

Sophrology will provide you with a toolkit that will work for your personal needs. The program’s objective and exercises are designed to allow you to fall asleep, stay asleep and conquer the aspects that were previously hindering your sleep. Once you have mastered this practice, you will become your own sleep and awareness expert and will no longer have to depend on deep analysis, relaxation music or sleep restriction techniques.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Does this course require you to use sleep restriction? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Not at all. Sophrology will complement any type of alternative sleep problem-solving method such as medication, a different program or a sleep restriction technique. However, we advise you to talk to your GP/therapist before enrolling in our program if you are using another method, to ensure that it doesn’t go against their advice.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What if I am on sleep medication?  » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology is a complementary therapy not a substitution for medical treatment so you should never stop taking medications without clear approval from your GP.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »I already practice yoga and meditation. How does this course offer additional benefits? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology was originally developed by the medical world as a means to cure sleep issues. Nowadays, it is used as a form of treatment in sleep clinics across France and Switzerland.

Sophrology is a blend of Easten practices that use yoga and meditation, along with the sound of voice and other balancing methods, coupled with Western science such as relaxation, phenomenology, neurology and psychology. It has been designed to both balance and empower the mind, body, emotions and the way in which we respond to our surroundings. The unique combination of relaxation, movement, visualisation and breath work will help you to withstand the pressures of modern-day society in a simple yet effective way.

You may not see instantaneous results after your first session. Life changes take time, especially if you have been experiencing sleep issues for many years. This course will consist of daily 15 minute practices across a 7 week period, where you will begin to see changes in your sleep pattern.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Can I pay in USD or other currencies? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Yes, the price will be converted to the exchange rate of the day by your bank.
For reference, as of March 1st 2022 the approximate cost in USD is $127.00 or EUR114.00[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Can I pay with Paypal? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Yes, you can pay with PayPal, or with a Debit/Credit Card.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What is the Facebook online course community about? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]All students get access to a private Facebook Group where you can ask Dominique and the BeSophro Team any questions you may have and share your experience with like-minded students.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Can I eat/drink before practicing? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology does not involve active exercise although you are likely to do simple breathing exercises and gentle movements, whilst standing or sitting. There is no need for special clothes we recommend wearing something you are comfortable in.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What do I need to wear? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology does not involve active exercise although you are likely to do simple breathing exercises and gentle movements, whilst standing or sitting. There is no need for special clothes we recommend wearing something you are comfortable in.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What if I can’t stay focused? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » body_link_text_color= »#88d2b6″ global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Then Sophrology is perfect for you and anyone who struggles with meditative practices! Sophrology offers an easy way to develop focus notably making it accessible through more active standing exercises, which quieten the mind and ground you in your body. For more on this subject see our blog ‘Mindfulness for people who think they can’t meditate”.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Why haven’t I heard of Sophrology before? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » body_link_text_color= »#88d2b6″ global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology is fairly new to the UK and US. It is very well established in many European countries and is now growing in popularity in English speaking countries. If you look in our press section, you will discover it has attracted a lot of attention recently, notably thanks to Dominique’s book, which is the first widely published Sophrology book in the English language.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Is Sophrology a therapy? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » body_link_text_color= »#88d2b6″ global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology is a self-development method based on a practice for body and mind. Sophrology can bring many benefits to feel calmer, empowered and in control. Sophrology is fully compatible with, and complementary to other approaches but does not replace medical or psychotherapeutic treatment.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Am I too ill/ old/ overweight to do Sophrology? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Sophrology is not strenuous and readily suits most people.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Does Sophrology belong to a particular religion or belief? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]No, Sophrology is not connected with any religious beliefs. It is a discipline independent of any dogma or doctrine, which was born out of the medical field in Spain. Sophrology supports people in finding more happiness, freedom and responsibility.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What is the Foundation practice of Sophrology? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » body_link_text_color= »#88d2b6″ global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]The Foundation practice of Sophrology is the starting point of the Sophrology programme. It includes simple exercises you will go through in some form or another at the start of whatever Sophrology level you practice. To know more about the 12 Levels of Sophrology, click here. It is the basis on which the whole method is built in its traditional form. You learn to connect with body and mind, relax, discover the 5 systems model (a simple way to map your body), let go of tensions and tune into your positive resources. It is in itself a powerful stress-management practice as well as a basis to practice the whole method. Practically you will learn a unique combination of movement and stillness, standing and sitting exercises, breathing, relaxation, and concentration so you learn to dive into a dynamic relaxation state and start to tune into your resilience, find more balance and happiness.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »Who can benefit from Sophrology? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]People of all ages, cultures, social levels and religions can benefit from practising Sophrology. Sophrology is a gentle but effective technique to help calm the mind, relax, sleep better, deal with anxiety and stress, prevent burn out or to prepare for important events. Sophrology has been widely practised across Continental Europe for decades in different settings including schools, hospitals and corporate environments and championed by everyone from Olympic athletes to high-flying CEOs![/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What is Caycedian Sophrology? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]Caycedian Sophrology refers to the practice of the method as laid out by its Founder Professor Alfonso Caycedo who founded Sophrology a new discipline and name meaning “study of consciousness in harmony”, in 1960. He was an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical School of Barcelona and a doctor, neurologist and psychiatrist at Barcelona Hospital Clinic. Born in Colombia, Professor Caycedo travelled the world in search for new answers to provide better mental health care; he wanted to find an alternative form of therapy for psychiatric patients to avoid traumatic interventions like electroshock therapy. Professor Caycedo spent his lifetime studying the human consciousness and how it can change its states and development.

In order to bring more harmony, Sophrology works on consciousness using a scientific approach to allow patients to have a better quality of life. Caycedo coined the term Sophrology in 1960 and created the first Sophrology clinic in Madrid in the same year. Consciousness, according to Caycedo, brings together all the elements that make life meaningful.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title= »What if this course is not what I expected? » _builder_version= »4.16″ _module_preset= »default » global_colors_info= »{} » open= »off »]

For peace of mind, we also include our 30 DAY Money Back GUARANTEE

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