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The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology
Our best-selling book

The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology is the first widely published book on Sophrology in English and has been instrumental in spreading the practice beyond continental Europe. Sophrology has been widely practised in France, Belgium, Spain and Switzerland for decades by everyone from Olympic athletes and high-flying CEOs such as Arianna Huffington to students and mums-to-be to help calm the mind, relax, sleep better, deal with anxiety, prevent burn out or to prepare for important events.
Sophrology is being hailed by everyone from The Guardian to The Times and Harper’s Bazaar as the UK’s next biggest wellness trend.
This Sophrology book includes everything you need to know about Sophrology, Dominique’s own wellbeing journey, case studies, practical exercises, on-the-go exercises as well as a Sophrology practice audio guide.

Available now
The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology
Our best-selling book
The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology is the first widely published book on Sophrology in English and has been instrumental in spreading the practice beyond continental Europe. Sophrology has been widely practised in France, Belgium, Spain and Switzerland for decades by everyone from Olympic athletes and high-flying CEOs such as Arianna Huffington to students and mums-to-be to help calm the mind, relax, sleep better, deal with anxiety, prevent burn out or to prepare for important events.
Sophrology is being hailed by everyone from The Guardian to The Times and Harper’s Bazaar as the UK’s next biggest wellness trend.
This Sophrology book includes everything you need to know about Sophrology, Dominique’s own wellbeing journey, case studies, practical exercises, on-the-go exercises as well as a Sophrology practice audio guide.
El poder de la sofrología: Vive y conecta con tu paz interior (Now Age)
Adem in, adem uit: de kracht van sofrologie: het nieuwe mediteren
" This book will transform all our lives if we follow its helpful suggestions. "
— Sir Anthony Seldon – Vice-Chancellor University of Buckingham and Co-Founder, Action for Happiness

Download the audio exercises that accompany the book
Follow Dominique’s daily 10-minute programme to discover the secret “superpower” of Sophrology and discover strength and an inner resilience, confidence and calm you never knew you had. In just 10 minutes Sophrology can help you find calm and headspace, release stress and anger, increase confidence, let go of negativity and manage your energy.
"The best investment ever"
“I began practicing Sophrology and reading this book and it’s honestly been the best investment ever” — Dorcas Lengo
"An essential addition to life's toolkit."
“What I really like about Sophrology is how accessible and immediate it is – it really can be for anyone is any state of health. Brilliant! If you are looking for an easy and pragmatic approach to feeling more relaxed and full of well-being, this book could well be the answer.”
"Easy to incorporate into everyday life"
“Sophrology is easy to incorporate into everyday life, not too ‘heavy’, and certainly helps me to feel calmer and more confident” — H Forrester