Free Webinars

  • What is Sophrology and why you definitely need it in your life?

Hosted by Dominique Antiglio

Price: Free Access
Duration: 45 mins

What is Sophrology and why you definitely need it in your life?


In this webinar I answer the question…What is Sophrology?

Join me as we explore this unique and wonderful practice and how you can use it to transform your life.

This webinar is the perfect overview for understanding the basics of Sophrology. I take you through how the method was created, what’s unique about it and how it brings mind and body into a state of harmony, helps tackle stress issues and expand consciousness.

See why more and more people are adopting Sophrology as their go-to mindfulness and meditative practice.

Also, included in this webinar I demonstrate a live guided Sophrology session which you can download for free and keep for future use.

Register today to access my free webinar. See you on the inside.

  • What is Sophrology and why you definitely need it in your life?

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