The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology

The Complete Audio Guide

Preamble: Dominique’s greeting and introduction to the practices


Key Technique 1: The Body Scan

Page 87 The aim of this first practice is to relax and connect. It is the gateway to any Sophrology exercise. Here are the main page references to support your experience: The Body Systems and Integration Points, page 75 Sitting Relaxed Posture, page 80 Tratac, page 85 Integration Pause, page 94


Key Technique 2: The Clearing Breath

Page 91 The aim of this practice is to acknowledge and let go of any unnecessary tension and stress within the body and mind, through the power of the breath. Extra tip! Once you master the sequence, you may also add a simple Tension Relax of the muscles of each system to help you clear deeper tensions (page 29). Here are the main page references to support your experience: The Body Systems and Integration Points, page 75 Hand Positions, page 77 Sitting Relaxed Posture, page 80 Pharaoh Posture, page 81 Tratac, page 85 Integration Pause, page 94


Key Technique 3: Tune into your Vital Power

Page 95 The aim of this practice is to connect with all the positive sensations and perceptions in your body and mind, so you can raise your energy levels and feel empowered. In this practice, we will use a shorter version of the Clearing Breath: by using our fingertips on the belly button, we can access and release tensions from all our systems in one go. Here are the main page references to support your experience: The Body Systems, Integration Points and Megasytem, page 75 Hand Positions, page 77 Sitting Relaxed Posture, page 80 Pharaoh Posture, page 81 Tratac, page 85 The Clearing Breath, page 91 Integration Pause, page 94


The Foundation Practice

Page 75 This practice groups the Body Scan, the Activation Stretch, the Clearing Breath and the Tuning into your Vital Power exercises into a simple and powerful 10-minute practice. This is also a fantastic stress-management practice that you can never do too much of!


Level 1 Part 1

Page 108 The Level 1 practice embodies the core of Sophrology in its focus on the body. Through the alternation of gentle standing movements and sitting pauses, plus the control of the breath, we are able to let go of our tensions and positively ground ourselves in our bodies. Practised regularly, it is deeply balancing for the body and mind, supporting you to positively deal with stress, anxiety, tiredness, sleep problems, tensions, stagnant emotions, focus, clarity, concentration and productivity. Here are the main page references to support your experience: The Body Systems, Integration Points and Megasystem, page 75 Hand Positions, page 77 Sitting Relaxed Posture, page 80 Relaxed Standing Posture, page 82 Tratac, page 85 Integration Pause, page 94 Head Rotation for System 1, page 112 Shoulder Pump for System 2, page 113 The Windmill for System 3, page 114


Level 1 Part 2

Page 116 These exercises can be directly added to Part 1 to give you a complete Level 1 practice, or you can use this as a stand-alone Sophrology session, starting with the Tratac and short Foundation Practice standing. Here are the main page references to support you: The Body Systems, Integration Points and Megasystem, page 75 Hand Positions, page 77 Sitting Relaxed Posture, page 80 Relaxed Standing Posture, page 82 Tratac, page 85 Integration Pause, page 94 The Bellows for System 4, page 117 The Walking for system 5, page 119 The Body Halves for the Megasystem, page 120


The Supertool Practice – The Bubble Exercise

10 minutes to Change Your Daily Life Now that you have experienced the Foundation and Level 1 Practice of Sophrology, you are ready to dive in the Supertool practices. Enjoy! Calm and Headspace: The Bubble exercise, page 135


The Supertool Practice – The Pump Exercise

10 minutes to Change Your Daily Life Releasing Stress and Anger: The Pump exercise, page 142


The Supertool Practice – The Magic Picture

10 minutes to Change Your Daily Life Confidence and Success: The Magic Picture, page 149


The Supertool Practice – The Bag Exercise

10 minutes to Change Your Daily Life Letting go of Negativity: The Bag, page 155


The Supertool Practice – The Reflex Sign

10 minutes to Change Your Daily Life Instant Calm: The Reflex Sign, page 160


The Supertool Practice – The Sleep Gatekeeper

10 minutes to Change Your Daily Life Sleep and Managing Energy: The Sleep Gatekeeper, page 166

