Why are role models so important for our youth?

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Why are role models so important for our youth?


 “Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.”  

Do you know who your child’s role models are? They can find a role model in their parents, older siblings, friends, teachers, celebrities or anyone they admire and look up to. Finding a positive role model for our youth is important for their development and for them to grow up to be healthy, happy and considerate individuals. They can adopt these traits by observing and experiencing positive qualities and behaviours from their role models. 


What is a role model?

A role model is someone whose behaviours serve as an example that influences others, especially young people. When children have a positive role model, they are more likely to emulate the habits and even perspectives of those they look up to most, which can last a lifetime. 

For many children, the most important role models are their parents—they don’t do what they say, they instead do what they see them doing. As a parent, I have found it very useful to outline my identity and values that I have wanted to model for Elliot, so I can help shape him into a kind, resilient, honest and happy boy. 

Family can be a great source of positive role models. We should encourage our children to listen to their parents’ and grandparents’ stories to learn about their struggles and path of success and failure to guide them about what to do and what to avoid in life.

Why are role models important? 

Role models are important because they help guide our youth in the right direction as they begin to make life decisions. They provide inspiration and support when they need it most and our children can observe and learn how they tackle and face difficult situations. 

Role models are important for our youth because they:

  • Encourage them to pursue their passions and believe in themselves
  • Listen to their opinions and stories without judgement 
  • Provide insight when asked
  • Remind them that they are not alone 
  • Inspire them to explore school and career options 
  • Teach them social skills 

Children develop as the result of many experiences and relationships in their early life. Role models play an important role in inspiring our children to learn, overcome obstacles, and understand that positive values can be lived each day.


How to be a positive role model:

For young people especially, role models set important examples of how to behave, achieve goals and success. Some qualities of a positive role model include:

  1. Living a healthy and balanced lifestyle
  2. Demonstrate respect and self-awareness 
  3. Shows passion and commitment to their clear set of values and goals
  4. Having the ability to overcome obstacles

One of the easiest ways to shape our children is to be a good role model. This might mean we need to take a closer look at our habits and behaviours and make some changes, which will ultimately benefit you and your children. Of course, no one is perfect or needs to be, but Sophrology is a good place to start for some self-discovery and self-development.

How you can be a role model with Sophrology

You can develop your own toolbox of quick and easy 10-minute daily practices with Sophrology that will support your mental health and prepare you to deal with everyday issues that your kids can learn from. We should all learn to prioritise our wellbeing so that our children will for example understand the importance of integrating self-care into our daily routines. Trust that the work you do on yourself will save your children time—and maybe even money on therapy in the future! They are, after all, connected to how you feel. 

Sophrology also helps people learn to be non-judgmental and to look for new possibilities— like being more confident, for example—great attributes for our children to grow up around. People who practise Sophrology regularly learn to listen to more positive sensations within themselves and can carry these positive feelings with them all day. 

Try Sophrology with the family today with our easy-to-follow practices​​ combining breathing, relaxation, movement, and visualisation to empower you as a role model in your daily life.

In our free ‘Reach Your Goals’ online course, learn the super tools that can be applied to every situation in your daily life such as when you feel stressed and anxious, lacking in confidence or when you want to feel more empowered. These short, effective Sophrology exercises are perfect to practice on the go, anywhere and anytime you need them most and will help guide you to reach your full potential.

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