In the Moment with Dominique
BeSophro Sophrology Community Event
“In the Moment” is a monthly 45-minute live Q&A session exclusively for our private Facebook group where you can ask me absolutely anything. I will use my 20 years of experience as an Osteopath and Sophrologist to answer your questions in the best way I can, and we will also welcome insights from all of you in the community. You will be able to send me questions ahead of the session too either in a private message, through the group, or at [email protected]. And if you want, can also go live with me, I’d love to see you so send me a message or tune in at the beginning of the live and let’s meet each other.
Our first session is on Sunday, 13th of September at 6:00 pm BST so get your questions ready!
The community group is for anyone who has signed up for our online Course Relax, Reset and Overcome Stress, or have done a Sophrology challenge. It’s a place to regularly practice Sophrology and meet people who are also on the Sophrology journey.
Hope to see you there.
With love, Dominique x